SEO is king, we all know that

Organic traffic is the most valuable asset for your business for result-driven outcomes. Search Engine Optimization is the first step to make your brand digitally global. 

BUT, be careful! In order to gain organic traffic to an international market, it's not enough to translate the keywords that you think your target audience might be searching for the most. In fact, translating would be a huge mistake! 


Be careful who you trust to defineyour multilingual SEO strategy

Don’t rely on fake multilingual SEO experts. Choose the best ones for your business. A good SEO strategy that gets results is very expensive and energy taking. Trust us at Verbavox to structure your international organic growth. 

Simply translating a site in a hurry and without a strategy is a HUGE waste of money. And you don’t want to throw your time and money out the window, right? If you’ve decided to sell abroad and increase your export business, you’ll definitely want to see results as soon as possible. Without the right tools and a proper strategy designed specifically for your brand’s needs and characteristics, it’s all for naught. The sooner you hire a multilingual SEO expert, the sooner your brand will be able to gain an outstanding digital ranking. 

document website translation services

Translated keywords stuffingis NOT what you need

Have you been told that it’s easy to create a multilingual SEO strategy and that all you need to do is stuff your texts with keywords?

This is a huge load of crap. Google is not so easily fooled. 

That’s not all. Translating keywords is the most useless and stupid thing you can do. 

Why? Because from language to language and from country to country, users will EVER perform the same searches. A keyword that is excellent for the United States of America might have very low or no search volume at all in the UK or Ireland. 

By using the same keyword for all three countries, you could lose a potentially very large audience base. And that’s really not what you need.

How does multilingual SEO work?

It is necessary to make a preliminary study of the brand, of its positioning and the positioning of the competition, an analysis of the objectives to be achieved taking into account all the variables of your case. 

Once we have a panoramic view of the possibilities that can fit and work best for your company, we’ll decide together which Multilingual SEO strategy to apply. 


What exactly does a multilingual SEO strategy consist of?

Your online SEO-ranking depends on you. Thinking of the best strategy is key to be successful. Please the algorithm will enhance your brand's online visibility. 

This visibility is earned through different steps:

Overall multilingual SEO strategy

SEO optimized website

SEO optimized product descriptions

SEO optimized blog articles

How about starting to scale the internet and grow your brand abroad?

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