TRABAJACON NOSOTROS Rellena los campos obligatorios Sube tu CV Bienvenido/a a Verbavox ¡Siempre estamos buscando nuevos socios en el sector lingüístico con los que colaborar! ¿Quieres unirte a un gran equipo? ¡PRESENTA TU SOLICITUD AHORA! Job ApplicationPlease fill in the following fields20%About YouName and SurnameNameSurnameDate of birth*Place of birth*Which position are you interested in?*HostessPromoterTranslatorLiaison interpreterConsecutive interpreterSimultaneous interpreterNextWhich are you working languages? (min. 1)EnglishLevel*Native languageFluentGoodBasicFrenchLevel*Native languageFluentGoodBasicItalianLevel*Native languageFluentGoodBasicSpanishLevel*Native languageFluentGoodBasicPortugueseLevel*Native languageFluentGoodBasicGermanLevel*Native languageFluentGoodBasicChineseLevel*Native languageFluentGoodBasicArabicLevel*Native languageFluentGoodBasicRussianLevel*Native languageFluentGoodBasicBackNextStudies (max 700 crs)*Work experiences (max 1000 crs)*AvailabilityWeekendsWorking daysAnytimeTowns I can work inBackNextUpload your CV / ResumeUpload your CV*Maximum size 10MB. PDF, DOC, TXT only pleaseOnline CV / Portfolio link Upload your professional photosMaximum size 10MB. JPB, JPEG, PNG only pleaseBackNextHow would you like to be contacted?How would you like to be contacted?HomeMobileEmailMobile TelHome TelEmail address*Consent to the processing of personal data*Filling the form, you accept the use and processing of personal data according to GDPR.BackSendThis field should be left blank